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TamperSeals (Shenzhen) Limited
Add: No.3336 Songbai Rd, Tianliao Ind. Zone, Gongming Town, Guangming New Dist., 518132 Shenzhen, China.
Tel: +86 755 814 777 50
Fax: +86 755 814 777 90
E-mail: export@tamper-seals.com
SafeLabel™-NR type (Non Residue)> |
Security hidden messages will show up on the label surface if attempts are made at removal of tamper labels, but no residue adhesive remains on the articles, it also shows evidence of unauthorized entry.
Designed to secure closures of packaging.
Locks in place yet lifts without a trace residue.
Ensuring no damage whatsoever to the product, packaging or surface.
Used for sealing the expensive surfaces or the reusable packaging.
Applications include automobile doors, appliance, electronic devices, voting machines, hard drives, pharmaceutical packaging, aircraft seals, gift certificates, PDA , phone seals and any application where residue is an issue.